ASDA has a great atmosphere. There has been a strong renewed sense of family since the virus that was ruined by the introduction of contract 6 two years ago.
We often work with our own families and make strong friendships so the sense of team is healthy. I can only speak for my department but we are busy, informed and valued.
The atmosphere is like 95% friendly and the work culture is usually similar, ruined only by a few typical bad apples and the occasional customer.
Hard-working, and the shop floor is full of gossip but enjoyable.
But others were less keen about working for the green giant.
High stress, fast paced, made into an outcast if not part of the cliques, unreasonable expectations. There is a horrible atmosphere and blame culture as everyone is under too much pressure from your manager. High sickness rates due to stress. High turnover of staff due to unappreciation. Unreasonable and impossible expectations.
It used to be okay a long time ago, but over the years it got worse as good people left. The company drills into you these ideals of togetherness, being yourself, being fair, doing the right thing etc during your training, but while working there I found that absolutely none of it matters. You’re a drone, working down the same aisles over and over.
The people used to be amazing but now they’ve mostly been made redundant. They probably have half the employees they had 15 years ago but that figure now includes home shopping. You can’t finish your own work because you have to go on a checkout or help home shop with picking. Or you get reprimanded by your manager for not finishing your own work after 3 hours sat on a till.
The colleagues are great, but the management and expectations are ridiculous. My mental health has really suffered.
It can be okay, however, it’s quite stressful. My colleagues there are what made the job for me otherwise I would of left years ago.
2. Is working for ASDA a good job?

Some people seem to think so!
Yes, ASDA looks after all our colleagues all the time
They have been for many years, and thru many changes, and remain a strong supportive company, especially during lock downs, when they tried everything they could to stay open and safe.
I have seen ASDA be both generous in some aspects (discount events, celebration lunches etc) but a lot of those are now few and far between if not gone completely.
In terms of retail, yes, but retail, in general, has little respect for employees.
Yes if you want to work any day any time.
But others were less sure.
No, absolutely not. No appreciation for colleagues or work done. The company only cares about making cash, so makes cuts everywhere making the job impossible to do to expected standards.
No. They expect to wring you dry and but give you very little in return, they don’t take any medical conditions you have seriously, and forget about the pathway to promotion unless you can stomach getting buddy-buddy with your manager- and trust me: they definitely think of themselves as superior.
No. You are no longer a person, you are a cog in a machine. For 20 years service you are rewarded one extra holiday day for that year only.
No if you want a real work life balance.
No, during my time they introduced a contract called “your choice” which nobody wanted and eventually the contract became “not our choice” and me and my colleagues were told if we didn’t sign it we would lose our jobs.
3. What should you wear to an ASDA job interview?
Some people suggested going the formal route.
Office wear, such as black shoes, dark trousers/skirt, top/shirt.
I wore a smart shirt and black trousers.
Black, smart, clean practical clothes and shoes, as they often give you a trial, and they always walk around the store.
Others recommended the smart-casual approach.
Smart casual. Don’t bother getting the good suit out.
Clean, smart attire. It doesn’t have to be business formal but you still want to make a good impression (I applied for mine in a jacket, jeans and trainers for example).
But there also appears to be room to wear whatever you like.
It doesn’t matter. As long as you don’t have a bad back or lots of children you’ll probably be offered a job.
Whatever you like, ASDA will hire anyone.
4. How does someone get hired at ASDA? What are the steps along the way?
Seems that the standard approach is an online application, group meeting, on the job experience and a final interview.
Online application with your CV, then a best welcome/recruitment day/magic event where you advertise a product or build a marshmallow and spaghetti tower, followed by a one to one interview.
Make sure you tick every box for the jobs listed on the application form, then choose the department you prefer when you get interviewed.
Be flexible but brutally honest about the hours and other commitments. It’s better to say no thanks now than try to drop a day/shift. Engage lots and talk. ASDA are looking for someone who can hold their own in a sometimes ruthlessly paced environment and they don’t have time to hold your hand. Be ready with your Right To Work documents, especially if this is your first job. If ASDA has all the legal boxes ticked they will get you in as fast as possible.
Beware of agreeing to part time hours. Your hours may be arranged so that you don’t earn a break and possibly are below the limit to auto-enrol in the pension.
5. What questions did ASDA ask during your interview?
From what we can tell, ASDA interview questions seem fairly generic.
Are you comfortable with flexible working?
Can you drive a forklift?
Are you first aid trained?
Why ASDA and not another supermarket?
Why do you want to work here?
What can you bring to the team?
How would you deliver great customer service at ASDA?
6. Is it easy to get a job at ASDA?
Getting a job at ASDA seems to be pretty easy, though you should do everything you can to stand out during the interview.
Yes. But sometimes ASDA stores are overwhelmed with applicants. Get a managers name and chase them to make yourself memorable.
I would say yes, it depends on how bad the shop is looking for new colleagues. You may struggle to get a permanent contract.
If you answer the online test correctly you have a good chance to get an interview. Beware though that there used to be 200 applicants for 1-3 job roles.
Yes, so many people want to leave ASDA, so there’s always an opening.
Yes if you have the right soft skills and you’re open to new training.
7. How often do you get paid at ASDA?
The consensus seems to be that everyone gets paid on the same cycle.
Every 28 days
Every four weeks – which means you get paid 13 times a year!
8. How old do you have to be to work at ASDA?
This one varies a lot. It seems like the ideal age is at least 18.
17 to work on home shopping.
18 to work with money, machines and chemicals.
I have seen people as young as 16 work there but a lot of their department options are limited (They cannot serve alcohol or deliver groceries for example).
16, unless you want either a checkout job or a job involving alcohol, which means you have to be 18.
16 in theory but they prefer 18 so you can go on a checkout unsupervised.
16 or 18 depending on the job
9. What advice would you have for someone thinking of joining ASDA?
Lot’s of varied advice here. Most people are recommending ASDA, but some people have some strong opinions to the contrary!
ASDA is a great company!
Absolutely do it. Especially if you have friends or a local connection to the store. Be part of the community and connect with your customers!
Don’t agree to the Monday shifts. You will work every bank holiday for no extra pay.
Avoid working the night shift.
It’s not the worst place to work but if you can do better, go for it.
The faster you work the quicker the day goes by.
Just don’t do it to yourself.
Don’t do it. They do not value you as a person, you’ll have no life and the absence policy is not designed for people with families.
Don’t, they don’t treat their staff fairly, they talk down to you, section leaders at my store most thought they were god and gave their jobs to others and just stood around talking.
10. What’s the best thing about working at ASDA?
ASDA seems to have a great discount program for employees. Many staff members seem to value the colleagues on their team too.
The colleague benefits, such as the employee discount and pay.
Truly inclusive culture.
The other colleagues you work with. Nothing beats being on a great team!
The customers are generally down to earth, we are not a grotty low budget place, not a snotty high budget place.
We serve families and average people at ASDA.
The perks, pay and bonus, especially the online benefit offers are great.
Honestly, it’s all our colleagues, as before with the exception of a few rotters the job is very friendly and they realise that everyone is on pretty much the same level.
Good rate of pay if you’re under 23.
Your co-workers, mostly if you’re on a good team with friendly colleagues and nice line managers.
You do meet some nice people (including customers) along the way.
11. What’s the worst thing about working at ASDA?
Some very strong opinions here. Seems that ASDA has changed a lot over the years.
The uncertainty that the new business owners bring. Will they be good employers?
There have been a lot of changes. Most people aren’t happy about the shift in power.
The cuts that have occured to the store level over the past decade or so, constantly having to do the same or more with less (store budget, colleagues, equipment etc, at one point I was working 5 front end roles at the same time, which is very stressful).
Evening and weekend work. As well as early shifts. This is why I’m now a former employee as I needed the rest and wanted my life back.
The company doesn’t care about anything but profit and keeping the customers happy.
Bad pay. Awful top-level management and some department managers.
The people. Having to ask all our colleagues to go home in the day because nights overspent on their wages. Every day can be stressful.
Expectations and unrealistic time scales of employees. Don’t feel my mental health is being cosnidered by the business. Culture isn’t as diverse as they advertise.
I was a checkout operator at ASDA and they left me to my own devices running the entire front end, calculating breaks and making sure particular jobs were done, then I’d get told off for not doing something I didn’t know needed to be done because running the show isn’t my job.
Pretty standard retail uniform it seems.
Comfy, washable, not too lurid, easy to order but sometimes a bit of a wait to collect.
Green polo’s, black and green jackets, black everything else. It’s pretty diverse.
You can purchase Xmas uniform that’s red. Plus fancy dress and charity days to wear something a bit different.
Comfortable enough, typical green polo with black gilet or jacket and ASDA branding.
Comfy and suitable.
Cheap, rarely available.
Pea-green polo short, black trousers, black and green jacket with the ASDA logo on the back.
As a former employee, I just remember it being itchy.
Polo shirt and jacket.
Green, horrible green so that the customers can’t miss you.
13. How much do ASDA pay an hour?
Bit of disparity here, but I suspect that may be due to regions (such as working in or near London).
Standard, £9.26 ph.
Minimum national wage.
Former employee, but when I worked there it was £9.30 per hour.
I think its around £9 an hour.
Around £9.50 ish.
14. Do you get overtime pay at ASDA?
It seems that you do get paid for overtime at ASDA, but the rate of pay is the same as working your contracted hours.
No, but night shifts attract a higher rate.
No. You don’t get anything extra for working overtime. It’s just the same hourly rate.
Not anymore. Nights used to be paid time and a third 10-6 but that has been reduced in amount and length of time. It’s a different business now.
Yes, you get paid for any and all hours worked.
15. What do you get if you work at Asda?
Many people seem to celebrate the employee discount and yearly double discount offer.
Yearly bonus based on store and business performance.
10% employee discount with frequent double discount events.
Discounts and offers with many companies, including mobile networks, entertainment, travel, home and finance.
10% store discount that you can share with a family member, occasional 20% events with free eye tests and free flu jabs.
Too many to list. It really is a fun place to work with a truly inclusive culture.
10% employee discount card and the equivalent of a total of four weeks’ holiday. When I first started they would also give you a £20 Christmas Gift Card.
Discount, simply health, pension scheme, double discount days.
10% off majority of items in store if you’re an employee.
16. What is the ASDA employee discount?
Lot’s of responses to this question, all of them the same. So I’m pretty sure the ASDA employee discount is…
10%, except during a week around Christmas when you get 20% (with exceptions).
17. What is career progression like at ASDA?
A mixed bag of responses here. It seems that you need to play the politics game to progress at ASDA.
Lots of training and advancement within the business for the right employee.
Pretty linear, standard colleagues can step up to section leaders (middle managers with a £1ph pay rise, not really worth it) and then to managers, your department and even store as a manager is not fixed as they do like to rearrange roles once every few years.
The business prefers to promote within.
Easy to progress because of high turnover in management.
You can do everything they ask you to as an employee – their STEP-ON programme, try to learn as much about the department as you can – but if they don’t like your face, or suspect you of perhaps being willing to use your experience through progression to find better work, you aren’t going to progress.
Not good, many manager roles have been combined within the business so where there used to be 20 managers in a store there are now 3-5 with lots of section leaders.
None existent if you want a work life balance. Take it from a former employee!
18. What would you change about ASDA if you were the CEO?
I was hoping/expecting to see some outrageous changes here, such as free cake for everyone, but the responses seem pretty sensible!
Better bonus and proper flexible working with the option to change shifts.
Get rid of contract 6 or at least be open to discussing it.
The uncertainty of knowing they can change shifts with three weeks notice.
More money for working bank holidays.
Actual consistent investment on the store level, apparently the concept of spending to gain money is a foreign one to the upper echelons of ASDA. Some of us want to learn different skills.
Get rid of unpaid breaks.
Everything. Walmart ran the company into the ground, needs totally rebuilding.
I think it’s too late to make changes. The company has mutated over the past couple of decades into something so faceless and impersonal.
As employers of thousands of people, stop thinking that saving money means reducing the number of staff. Customers like being able to ask for help. More staff means less theft as more presence as a deterrent. Don’t copy Aldi and reduce the range, customers go to Asda for the things they can’t get at Aldi.
Improved health and safety, make sure all our colleagues can report harassment without it getting back to the one being reported.
Give staff the option to gain different skills.
19. Do you see yourself working for ASDA 5 years into the future?
Yes. It’s a great place to work. There are more pros than cons and in my case, I enjoy the diverse culture.
I will retire from this job.
There is no need to move on, the money is good, the chairs are comfy and the tea is free.
Yes because there’s sweet FA else around where I live in terms of jobs.
No, I left 1 year ago. Much better employers out there.
Not if I can help it unless the company drastically improves in the near future.
No, never. I left there some time ago and between how I was treated there while I worked there and the fact that everything is now centralised when it comes to reviewing applications, I can not see myself returning to employment with the company.
No. I left a few years ago after relocating. I have since been in different jobs and have seen what it is like to be a valued colleague.
No, I left 2 years ago for better career progression in a new job. I was was fed up with being allocated 20 hours for someone who was contracted to 36 hours a week.
Hope not but after being let go on Xmas eve from another company I might have to bite the bullet.
No, they expect too much. I’m sick of working through my break. There are better employers out there. Trust me.
We often get new procedures that are put in place by ASDA House to improve profits and working practices. But they are rarely designed by people who don’t know how a store works, they frequently fail and are often one-month wonders that just slow us down, cost money and time to implement and often have no real-world value.
Screw Walmart. There are much better employers out there. My life has gotten better after taking a break from shift work.
No appreciation for colleagues. Overtime is expected and you are turned into a pariah if you refuse it. Hours cut from departments, but work still expected to have every thing worked, ie 40hrs of work expected in just 20hrs.
My experience is that good GSMs are very, very rare, and never stick around long. They’re put there to repair the store when it’s wrecked by poor GSMs. The store I used to work at is currently run by one of those poor GSMs, whose attitudes have wrecked colleague morale and seen several good and long-standing colleagues decide to go.
I stayed there a long time because the people were amazing. I couldn’t imagine going back now when all the departments have experienced at least one cull. The best thing about ASDA over the years was ringing the bell for fresh bread and the smell of fresh doughnuts made in store in the morning. Closing down colleague canteens even though they broke even, which was the goal, causing night colleagues to work 10pm to 6am without a good breakfast. They used to attract local police for their breakfast, strengthening community and customer links. My sister works there as a section leader and has been crying on the phone after working 14 days straight because there is noone else.
I was a section leader on chilled and used to do rotas and shift allocations. Ever single week I was asked/expected to cut wages because I was allocated between 220-300 hours between 10 colleagues contracted to 36 a week (360 hours total) was told a specific job “should” take 2 hours when realistically it actually took 3.
What do you think?
Are you a current or former employee of ASDA? Do you agree with what’s been said here? Is there something we didn’t cover?
Maybe you are considering applying to ASDA? Has this article changed your mind?
Let us know in the comments!