The satisfying face plant

Stan Lee
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Many years back, we had a lovely mall store with these tall, narrow glass showcases inset into the walls. In the glass-fronted mall aisle, there was a stand inside that we would put our best items on, and there was a 2′ wide, 10′ tall glass door on the backside. We kept these scrupulously clean, as any respectable business would do.

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Try K-mart. They have a great selection of things you can actually afford

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So, this rather large lady brings up a very nice comforter set up to the counter. She said it didn’t have a ticket on it, but according to her “they were all the same price back there” and handed the cashier a 2nd, $40 comforter set to scan the price from. The cashier wasn’t new or dumb, so she didn’t fall for it, and she called for a price check, and started ringing up some of the other stuff the large lady had bought…

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Arcade owner fills grabber machine with rolls of toiler paper

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I think we can be cautiously optimistic that coronavirus lockdowns are a thing of the past, and we can look back with a laugh or possibly a cry to the time when the public went full on retard mode and fought over all our supplies of toilet paper. Needless to say, we love it when we see business owners roast the public in creative way. Like this amusement arcade owner who filled their grabbing machines with toilet paper.

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15 Funny Black Friday Memes

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Long shifts, crazy customers, fist-fights, screaming and general chaos. We’re talking about that time of the year. Here are 15 hilarious crazy-but-true Black Friday memes that will convince you to stay home on the busiest shopping day of the year.

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Animal invasion #1 seagull causes chaos in Tesco in Cornwall

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With the big wide doors, colourful treats inside to peck at, nesting potential, meal deals for £3, it’s no wonder our feathered friends find themselves in supermarkets. The problem is, when they are in sometimes they struggle to find their way out. I’ve seen this with my own eyes, they don’t understand that windows cannot be flown through, and end up in a bit of a dizzy and confused mess just feet away from the exit.

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I don’t care if you’re buying condoms or haemorrhoid cream

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Yes, Mr Customer, I see you tentatively placing the johnnies and anusol on my checkout. It doesn’t matter if you hide them under the tangerines, I’m gonna see them eventually because I have to scan them. Do you even realise how many of these (and similar) items I have to scan each day? I honestly don’t care. I’m not gonna go home and contemplate whether you are getting your willy wet with your condoms or if you’re pooping in fear.


Customers that talk on the phone when you serve them

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I’m not asking for much. Just pop your items onto my checkout and be willing to answer my simple yet necessary questions, such as “Do you need a bag?” or “Do you have a More Card?”. Believe it or not, but it makes it very difficult for me to ask these questions if you’re yapping into your phone and ignoring me. It’s not even as if you’re having a life and death conversation, you’re telling your mate what happened on The Apprentice last night. Cheers for spoiling the episode by the way. I hope your card gets declined.


Rise of the retail worker robots

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When we think of robots we think of advanced machines from popular culture like Terminator or Robocop. Or those robodogs and humanoids being developed in real life that can run and jump and do flips, solve the rubiks cube, and figure out how to take all our jobs at best, at worst how to bring about the doom of humanity.

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