Retail Memes

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11 Halloween retail memes that every supermarket worker can appreciate

Retail worker covering her eyes during Halloween because she's scared

Whether you love it or hate it, Halloween has quickly become one of the biggest retail events of the year and gives supermarkets a big sales boost, especially when it comes to booze and sweets.
Here are some Halloween retail memes that perfectly sum up this spooky holiday.

1. Why stocking up on Halloween sweets/candy is a pointless endeavour

Halloween candy that you buy before halloween that doesn't make it to halloween

2. Why wait for Halloween to end?

Only at Walmart where Halloween, Christmas and Thanksgiving merge together

3. Halloween in retail is a time when ANYTHING can become scary

When SpongeBob SquarePants is genuinely terrifying in a supermarket during Halloween

4. Mummy costume or bathroom faux pas?

Walmart customer with toilet roll hanging from pants during Halloween.

5. When supermarkets just get it right!

Halloween meme, the isle of death in a supermarket

6. Jason Voorhees is pleased with the widespread adoption of masks

Jason Voorhees shopping in supermarket as a Halloween meme

7. When the staff area decorations have escalated…

Dead body chalk lines as a Halloween prank in a supermarket staff area

8. Blink and you’ll miss Halloween altogether!

When one minute to midnight means the difference between Halloween and Christmas in retail

9. Don’t forget to get your New Years decorations in September!

It's July and the Halloween decorations are already out

10. Always embrace your inner goth…

Halloween decorations that double up as decorations for a goths home

11. As a vegetarian with both offends me and amuses me

Halloween meme with a fake leg in a supermarket freezer