
Supermarket gives out embarrasingly named plastic bags to discourage their use

Plastic bag with "Wart Ointment" printed on it

We all know how damaging they are to our rivers and oceans.

One supermarket in Canada came up with a unique way to discourage the use of their plastic bags. They printed these genius messages and slogans on them. You can understand why you wouldn’t want to walk around with “Wart Ointment” or “Adult Video Emporium” printed on a bag you’re carrying. Especially if you bump into your mum!

David Lee Kwen, owner of East West Market says many customers forget to bring those reusable bags, and he hopes this strategy sends a message that will stick.

“The message is, we should make a conscious effort to save our planet one step at a time,” he said. “[Plastic bags] are a big problem, and every step helps.”

Kwen says the campaign appears to be working.

“It’s certainly generated interest in what we’re trying to put out,” he said. “Once you start a conversation, it will skyrocket from there, I think.”

Plastic bags with embarrasing messages on them, one saying Adult Video Emporium, and the other Wart Ointment

eastwest.market / Instagram

It seems after these bags became viral, the Vancouver market which specialises in sustainability has inadvertently made these messages part of their brand. You can buy tote bags with the same prints on them.